Helpful Hints & Best Practices
- 15 Talks, 5 Meditations, and Worship every day is the core of a Cursillo weekend
- Your weekend was great but its not here anymore. All you have to sustain your growth in Christ is The 4Th day
- Without living into the 4th day our cursillo weekend becomes a distant memory of a weekend spent away with other believers.
- Living the 4th Day Path events and Back to the mountain reemphasize to new pilgrims the importance of the 4th day
- We have spent some time condensing and simplifying our Cursillo Library

- Review By Laws and Leadership Term Limits yearly
- Review “WHY” of Cursillo
- Clear , consistent, published Group Reunion times and Ultreya times
- Grand/Diocesan Wide Ultreyas
- 4th day retreats/Listening Sessions
- Embrace The Jesus Movement and The Way of Love
- Open to New Ideas/ seek inter-generational participation
- Sponsorship is really Mentorship
Episcopal Cursillo Leaders Workshop (ECLW)
The Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Committee have some new ways to present the ECLW information that makes it more accessible .
Mission Grant Funds
The Episcopal Cursillo Ministry committee has a Mission Fund to support the Diocese Cursillo activities. The use of the funds is approved if it supports Cursillo activities . In the past we have helped with printing song book, provided scholarships to ECLW and The ECM Conference, and helped defray transportation expenses to support a Cursillo weekend or ECLW.
The ECMC can provide consultants to work with your Diocesan Cursillo team to help you strengthen or even restart your Diocesan Cursillo.
How to Apply for Grants
Download and complete the Assistance Request Form per instructions on the form

Resources from Our 2023 Cursillo Conference
Rev. Dr Patricia Lyons Keynote Address Part1
Rev Dr Patricia Lyons Keynote Address Part 2
Conference Documentation
Our Facebook page provides summaries of the Conference Forum. Click the Facebook icon to join the conversation and add
Zoom Cursillo Leadership Workshop April 13 and 20, 2024
Are you looking to rekindle the joy of Cursillo in your diocese? Would you like some help getting your Cursillo weekends back in action? Can your 4th Day use some fresh ideas to boost its activity?”
Sponsored by the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Committee and the ECLW Committee.
The ZOOM video recording of both events is below