Documents for Downloading

PERMISSION TO COPY: The Episcopal Cursillo Ministry holds copyrights on all printed and published Episcopal Cursillo Ministry materials.The Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Committee herein extends permission to Secretariats, Committees, teams, and individuals within the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry to make copies of materials provided through the Episcopal Cursillo Ministry website as needed for the functions of local Cursillo ministries. Under no circumstances may the materials copied under this permission be sold

  • Booklets

  • Our Story (PDF)
    Our Story-Past, Current, and Future Directions of our Ministry-Cursillo


  • The Cursillo Path (PDF)
    Provides an overview of the Episcopal Cursillo Weekend with suggestions for best practices and formats for the Three-Day and the Two-Day Weekends


  • Build the Path (PDF)
    Discusses the formation of successful Weekend Teams and their role in teaching and supporting the Cursillo Method.
  • ​Living the Fourth Day Booklet (PDF)
    Turning the 4th day into a lifetime process of spiritual growth.
  • Leading the Way (PDF)
    Secretariat and Servant Community
  • Group Reunion (PDF)
    Describe the Group Reunion and how it supports the Fourth Day


  • Ultreya (PDF)
    This document describes an Episcopal Cursillo Ultreya and explains how it supports the Fourth Day. It includes the Ultreya and the Floating Group Reunion formats.


  • Spiritual Direction (PDF)
    Discuss the benefits of Spiritual Direction as part of Fourth Day and provide suggestions for a successful experience.


  • Living the Fourth Day Path (PDF)
    This article describes how the Cursillo Method is applied on the fourth day to sustain Spiritual growth and presents a format for an LV4D event that helps clarify what should be part of a fourth-day discipline.

  • Lay Talks-Sharing the message (PDF)
    Provides outlines and suggestions for 10 Lay Talks for a Cursillo Weekend.


  • Clergy Talk Workbook (PDF)
    Provides outlines and suggestions for the clergy talks and meditations.