Alabama Cursillo – Episcopal Diocese of Alabama

Alabama Cursillo

In the late 1970’s, Bishop Stough sent a group of clergy and lay people to Cursillo in Louisiana to find out more about the movement. They came home filled with excitement and led the first Cursillo in Alabama at Camp McDowell February 1-4, 1979. We celebrated the 200th Cursillo at Camp McDowell in October of […]

The Episcopal Church of Southeast Florida Cursillo Ministry

A vibrant Cursillo community that is located in Southeast Florida. The goal of Cursillo is the goal of the Church: to bring all to Christ. This is done when informed, trained leaders set out with the support of others having a similar commitment.

The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon & SW Washington Cursillo Ministry

We are a group of Episcopalians (and some non-Episcopalians) eager to strengthen the faith and encourage the ministry of both laity and clergy across our Dioceses, and to celebrate that over 2,000 people have participated in Cursillo with us across the years.  Cursillo is one method for promoting vital, dynamic faith, a deeper sense of Christian community, […]